Tag: braced-frame
Braced frame design, fabrication, and testingResearch, 2013
This project developed, fabricated, and tested new designs for braced frame lateral systems for tall buildings. The aim of the project was to test out structureFIT on a relatively complex problem, to explore the design space of lateral systems for tall buildings, and to develop a methodology for connecting digital and physical models through testing. Six new braced frame geometries of constant volume were designed using structureFIT, and along with a control design, were then digitally fabricated in polycarbonate using a waterjet cutter. The designs were then load tested to failure by applying a linearly varying force simulating wind load.
The load testing confirmed that the new designs performed similarly to each other and to the control design, while offering significant variation in aesthetic character. Four of the designs outperformed the control in ultimate load, and all six new designs were initially stiffer than the control. The uniformity in results verified what was found in the design stage of this project: that the design space for braced frame structures is shallow, meaning that large changes in design variables has limited impact on structural performance. This means that "optimal" designs can't offer significant savings over conventional designs, but it also means that designers have considerable freedom that can be exploited for architectural reasons.